Doula Training
BDI Certification Requirements
Cost $750
Attend a BDI In-Person Training
Attend a Breast Feeding Class
Attend a Childbirth Class
Attend 3 Births
Mentor & Debrief for 10 births
Read 4 Books from BDI Recommended Reading List
Create a Birth Tool Box (includes pre-natal agenda and material, doula bag, post natal agenda & material and birth plan)
Create a Referral List of Birth Practitioners and Support Resources for your geographical location
BDI Recertification Requirements
100 Credits every 5 years
Cost $72 annually
“Doula a Birth”—3 credits each birth, minimum 2 births per year
Course or Training—1 credit per hour of course
Give a presentation—2 credits per presentation
BDI Meetings—1 credit per meeting, minimum 3 per year
Volunteer “Doula a Birth”—5 credits per birth
Share Knowledge Mentoring & Debrief sessions—1 credit per hour
BDI Volunteer Work—1 credit per hour
Postpartum Support - 1 credit per session
Completed Sessions
Sunday, November 19, 2023 and Sunday November 26, 2023
Monday, July 4, 2022 and Friday, July 8, 2022
Sunday, June 6, 2021 and Sunday, June 13, 2021
Sunday, February 21, 2021 and Sunday, March 7, 2021
November 27th , 2020 and November 29th, 2020
—If you’d like information about our upcoming courses, please email us at info@birthdoulasinternational.org
Upcoming Fall Session
Sunday and Monday September 15th and 16th 2024
Become a BDI certified doula and register for a course today.
Please submit your information here for the upcoming session or to be notified when future training sessions are announced.